Upcoming Education Opportunities

Paid Course(s):

Front Desk Safety and Security from A to Z- $97 (6hrs credit towards People/Personnel, 2hrs credit towards Operations Management)

In this training we will give you new strategies for dealing with different, difficult and dangerous situations. We focus on helping you be prepared for current trends and real events that have occurred in the office environment. We will discuss the important elements of self-survival in the workplace, 5 communication skills for crisis, dealing with mentally ill persons and the signs and body language of escalating and violent behavior. We will also discuss topics that others don't; setting up an action plan for you and your team, when to call for help and when you should walk away for your safety. (8 hours).

Upcoming Webinars:
(Justice Clearinghouse Membership not required)

July 16th, 2024 at 10am
Ask Me Anything: Managing the Younger Generation – Generation Z (1.25hr credit towards People/Personnel)

Have you ever been confused about what works and what doesn’t with the younger generations? Have you ever wondered what motivates them or questioned their work ethic? Every generation has good and bad attributes. Understanding differences between the generations and acknowledging each other’s strengths is essential in today’s world. If you have questions on how to do that, this webinar is for you!

Ask her anything! – Brenda Dietzman has been working in recruiting and retention and studying generations in the workplace for several years. She has given workshops on the subject across the United States as well as online training for international audiences. She works with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the American Jail Association (AJA) as a subject matter expert. Bring your questions! Let’s learn how we can work better, together!


July 23rd, 2024 at 10am
Developing Re-entry Services from Nothing with No Money (1.25hr credit towards legal Judicial Organization & Theory)

Do you need a reentry program but have no way to fund one? The Sedgwick County Offender Re-Entry (SCORE) Program was created to assist inmates reentering our local community by helping them gain access to government IDs, housing, medical and mental health services, food resources, and employment.  SCORE was built by an agency with no previous reentry services and with no funding for the program.

Community engagement and community partners allowed us to build the SCORE Program from nothing, by not only finding out how the community can help us but also what we can do as an agency to help our community partners.  Our program also includes an inmate computer lab for job readiness and job applications with the help of a community partner. At this time, the only expense has been the reassignment of an employee.

If you have little to no money, but the desire to cut the recidivism rate in your facility, we have a blueprint for you.


July 25th, 2024 at 10am
Workplace Conflict Resolution: The Power of Change (1.25hr credit towards People/Personnel)

Has there been a time when you’ve experienced conflict in the workplace that could not be resolved to your satisfaction? Did you wonder if there were steps that you could have taken that might have brought about a more positive result? Might you have considered the entire situation to have been unpleasant and you wished that you didn’t have to deal with it at all?

Conflict of one type or another is practically inevitable when people work together. There will always be differences of opinion and perspectives about workplace matters. Such differences need not create a situation where the disagreement becomes a highly charged dispute that can lead to strong negative emotions and unresolved issues.

By utilizing certain communication and interaction skills, conflicts are less likely to arise, and those that do develop can be more promptly and equitably resolved. In a spirited conversation, former hostage negotiator Jeff Owens and Dr. Ed Sherman will offer ideas and suggestions that will provide you with proven effective tools and techniques that are likely to change your view of conflict and enable you to deal with it much more readily and comfortably.

You will learn how to recognize when a conflict is escalating, what to do to stop and reverse the escalation, that not all conflict is bad and how some can be beneficial, and specific strategies to address conflict including when to elevate the matter within your organization and reach out for assistance.


August 20th, 2024 at 12pm
Wellness Warrior Style: How to Live, Work and Retire Healthfully (1.25hr credit toward People/Personnel)

Better care of your mental and emotional health begins with a plan. In this webinar, instructor Kim Colegrove will help you assess where you are on your well-being journey, decide where you want to go, and design a path to get there.

Kim will discuss common mental and emotional issues that impact Justice Professionals during and after their careers and offer resources to help offset the fallout from these issues. Attendees will learn simple daily practices to enhance well-being and will leave with a plan to live, work, and retire healthfully.


August 22nd, 2024 at 10am
Courageous, Bold Leadership  (1.25hr credit towards Operations Mangement)

Corrections has long been known as a field that is slow to change. A common refrain is: “This is how we’ve always done it.” However, as the field navigates an ongoing staffing crisis, it’s more important than ever to embrace it. This interactive webinar will highlight the need for courageous and bold leadership, emphasizing the ways that formal and informal leaders can drive culture change to create prisons that are safer for the people who live and work in them. Participants will learn about:

  • Purpose-driven leadership and role ambiguity
  • Intelligent risk-taking
  • Culture change


August 29th, 2024 10am
Don’t Press That Button! Understanding Triggers, Anger and Emotions for Criminal Justice Professionals (1.25hr credit towards People/Personnel)

This webinar is designed to provide an overview of what emotional intelligence is and its components.  With a better understanding of ourselves, we can better detect triggers that can cause anger or outbursts that can potentially damage relationships and careers.  In this webinar, we will discuss the importance of self-discovery and identifying triggers as well as ways to manage those triggers and the stress it causes.


NACM Podcasts:

Artificial Intelligence in Courts
During the RAP Session at our Spring Conference a question that came up was regarding utilizing AI in courts. NACM has produced two podcast episodes on this topic: Artificial Intelligence and the Courts: Promise or Peril? and Artificial Intelligence and the Courts: Omen or Opportunity.

Courts & Self-Service: How Much Do We Tell Litigants
NACM also just released a new episode on their podcast today talking about Courts & Self Service: How Much Do We Tell Litigants.  This episode sounds like a great opportunity to hear from other courts on how they walk that fine line of not giving legal advice.

You do not have to be a member of NACM to listen to their podcasts.  You can check out NACM's podcasts here

NACM podcasts may be eligible for OACA Education Credit.  You would need to submit an Outside Training Credit Request to the Education VPs. (Credit requests should be rounded to the nearest whole or half-hour.)