Intent to Run for Office

Do you want to become a board member or attend a board meeting?

This is your time to become more involved in OACA and have a leadership role in the activities of the Association. The Board meets six times a year: once during the month before each conference, once during each conference, and once during the month following the conference. All other communication will be done via email as necessary. The meeting are done remotely.

Any member is always welcome to attend Board meetings. We will send out notices for upcoming meetings.

Debra Arntsen, Immediate Past President

Elections will be held during the annual business meeting at our Fall Conference - please consider joining the board! We would love your help in navigating OACA through our ever changing profession. Just click the link to fill out the Intent to Run. Thank you.


All applicants must be current, active members of OACA (2024 dues paid).